We recently featured in the ever popular PTA+ (Spring 2023 Edition) and FundEd (Summer 2023 Edition) publications and websites which are accessed by thousands of school PTA's.  Via one of our customer's, the Friends of Wren Academy, they took a deep dive into the Charity Hive platform and how the PFA are using it to make massive strides with their fundraising.

"As with many schools, Covid restrictions forced us to rethink how we ran our raffles at Wren Academy in Finchley, London. We chose Charity Hive because it was a complete fundraising platform. For example, we can also sell tickets for events, accept donations and run auctions.

"I strongly believe the reason for our success is the way we market the ticket sales. I push the big prizes on our Facebook page and class rep WhatsApp groups. It’s all carefully timed with a communications plan. With Charity Hive, I can track the sales numbers relating to each push – when the school sends out a text a few days before the draw, it has a massive impact on ticket sales."

To read the full article, please visit the PTA+ website here