We’ve made a few updates to the Raffles/Prize Competition features. Just in case you’ve not seen them yet, here is a round-up:

Prizes: if your draw has multiple prizes (or even just one), you can now add in each of the prizes with an image, description and the details of the person/company that may have donated the prize. This will then show on the raffle page, and will take effect when running the draw so that it allocates a prize to a winning ticket automatically. Note: The optional “Prizes" feature will be available once you have created the raffle and then go back in to "Edit".

Raffles/Prize Competition features

Start Date: you can now set a date in the future for a draw to “go live” from. If you utilise this option, the raffle will have a “coming soon” label and countdown to that date/time. This gives you the ability to pre-advertise the raffle link across email or social media, so you can showcase the prize(s) that are up for grabs!

Unique Winners: when making the draw, there is the option to choose “Unique Winners”, which will limit winners to just one prize, hence giving more people the opportunity to win.

Standard Raffles - Offline Tickets: with events now able to take place, you maybe thinking of selling physical tickets "offline".  What we're suggesting is that you can purchase a bulk amount of tickets (i.e. 50, 100, etc) and then assign these numbers to your paper based ones. Then if that ticket is chosen as the winner, you can easily marry this up with your list.

Prize Competitions - Bundle Pricing: rather than have a flat ticket price fee, this new feature enables you to offer a number of different options - for example 1 ticket for £10, 3 tickets for £20, etc. Note: The optional "Bundle Pricing" feature will be available once you have created the raffle and then go back in to "Edit". See below for a visual example.

Bundle pricing options and prizes

If you have any queries, or need further assistance with any of the Charity Hive features, please let us know.

We can also run through any of the new items via a Zoom screen sharing call if you'd prefer. If this is something you'd like to do, then please book a slot here.